

The following conditions apply to the use of this website of Pivot Park Screening Centre BV:

  • The information displayed on this website is intended as general information. No rights can be derived from this information. The information shown can never be regarded as an offer and is not intended to replace expert personal advice. If any information from this website is used without further verification or advice, it would be entirely at your own expense and risk. You can contact our expert via this website.
  • Pivot Park Screening Centre BV has taken great care in building and maintaining this website, using sources and techniques it deems reliable. Pivot Park Screening Centre BV does not guarantee that the website will always function flawlessly or continuously or that the content is always correct, complete and current, as shown on your screen. Pivot Park Screening Centre explicitly rejects any liability. The content and functional functioning of the website can be changed by Pivot Park Screening Centre without further notice or being obliged to do so.
  • All intellectual property rights and database rights relating to the content and operation of this Pivot Park Screening Centre website belong exclusively to Pivot Park Screening Centre BV or its suppliers. Without the prior express permission of Pivot Park Screening Centre BV, it is not permitted to copy, multiply or in any way publish any content or functionality.
  • Information that is sent directly by email or that is sent to Pivot Park Screening Centre BV via this website is not protected unless stated otherwise in the privacy statement. The content of a message can therefore not be considered confidential and it is sent at your own risk. More information on how we process your personal data can be found in our privacy statement

Dutch law applies to this website, this disclaimer and the privacy statement.

© 2020 Pivot Park Screening Centre BV